
天氣酷熱, 這個星期伴着小孫女游泳去了。已經四個多月, 長得圓胖, 兩臂雙腿全身是肉, 合該時候鍛鍊筋骨。水中的她, 既樂且怕, 她樂得手舞足蹈, 我怕得心驚膽震。好奇的她, 眼睛四處張望, 這裡最小的是我嗎? 媽媽的目的是要小不點習慣在水中浮沈, 既不畏懼水, 更去享受水。

這六月天, 苦毒的太陽高照, 在迦南團契談「端午情源」。屈原憂國愛民而死, 山伯英台因情為愛而亡。有些鳥為食而死, 有些人為財而亡。人有一生, 必有一死, 「死亡」是我們的忌諱, 卻是無可逃避的歷程。認識生老病死的人, 才能享受人生。但參透生死不在人覓尋的智慧, 乃在神啟示的真理。曾聽人說:「生命誠可貴, 愛情價更高, 自由寶中寶; 若為真理故, 三者皆可拋。」那麼, 什麼是真理呢? 認識獨一真神, 認識所差來的耶穌基督, 這就是永生。(約17:3)耶穌說:「我就是道路, 真理, 生命; 若不藉着我, 沒有人能到父那裡去。」(約14:6)

七日的頭一天, 就是我們聚集一起來親近和敬拜主耶穌。認識耶穌就能認識人生, 享受耶穌也就享受人生。信靠耶穌的人會認罪改過, 內心有平安, 人生就能快樂高歌, 生老病死雖苦卻奈我如何? 雖然走在仄徑窄門上, 卻從不孤單, 因有耶穌陪伴我。



王 興


29th June, 2019

Dear brothers and sisters,

I went swimming with my young grand-daughter last week. She is 4 months old now, a chubby baby, and it’s time to develop her muscles. She’s happy playing in the water but I was very anxious. Her curious eyes looked around and wondered if she’s the youngest in the pool. Her mum hopes that the little one will not be afraid of water but enjoy it.

I talked about the Dragon-boat Festival and Qu Yuan in the Canaan Fellowship last week. Qu Yuan died because of his love for his country and people. Some birds died for food, some people died for money.  Everyone needs to face life and death. Though we try to avoid the topic of death, it is an experience no one can escape. We have to understand the different stages of life in order to enjoy life. No one can understand this with their own wisdom but it’s a truth revealed by God.  There’s such a saying, ‘ Life is dear, love is dearer, freedom is most precious. But all three can be given up for truth.’ So, what is the truth?  To know the only true God and Jesus Christ whom He has sent is eternal life. (John 17:3) Jesus said, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’ (John 14:6)

We come together to worship and draw close to the Lord Jesus Christ on the first day of the week. Knowing Jesus is knowing life, enjoying Jesus is enjoying life. When we trust in the Lord Jesus, we will repent and have peace in our hearts, and we can sing happily in our life and overcome old age, illness and death. Though we walk in a narrow path, we are not lonely, because Jesus is accompanying us.

See you on Sunday.

In Him,

Sam Wong