
我們活在一個獨特的世代,經歷着前未曾有的事情,唯靠着神的話語以度餘生。耶穌說:「經上記著說: 人活着,不是單靠食物,乃是靠神口裏所出的一切話。」

撒迦利亞先知的預言是重山疊影講述彌賽亞王國。一方面建立當代被擄歸回餘民的信心,不單回歸故土耶路撒冷,更要回歸萬軍之耶和華的懷抱; 不只是重建聖殿,更要重建「神與子民」的關係。另方面是要預告將要來的彌賽亞王國,這彌賽亞的景象是主耶穌第一次的來臨,降生馬槽,謙謙和和地騎着驢駒子進入耶路撒冷,救贖萬民; 也是主耶穌的第二次降臨,他的腳站在橄欖山,這山必東西中間分裂,審判大地。







主啊, 我願祢來。


王 興


                                                    13th September, 2019

Dear brothers and sisters,

We are living in a unique generation, experiencing new things, and we can only rely on God’s Word to live our life. Jesus says, ‘It is written, man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’

The prophet Zechariah repeatedly prophesied the Kingdom of the Messiah, to build up the faith of the people back from the exile, not only to return to Jerusalem, but to the Lord Almighty; not only to rebuild the temple, but to rebuild the relationship between God and His people. On the other hand, he prophesied the Kingdom of the Messiah which is to come. This refers to the first Coming of the Lord, born in a stable, humbly entered Jerusalem on a colt to save mankind; it also refers to His second Coming, His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, and this Mount will be split in two from east to west, to judge the world.

 2019 has passed 3 quarters, with only a few months ahead. Many people are suppressing their emotions, facing an uncertain future, some are discouraged, some disappointed,  some frustrated, some angry, some sad. As Christians, we have to cling on the promises of the Lord. Our greatest hope is our Lord coming on the clouds of heaven.

 In 1 Thessalonians, Paul encouraged believers to be awake and sober when waiting for the coming of our Lord, and to

 ‘Rejoice always, 

pray continually, 

give thanks in all circumstances; 

for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

Do not quench the Spirit. 

Do not treat prophecies with contempt 

but test them all, hold on to what is good, 

reject every kind of evil.’ (1 The 5:16-22)

Come, Lord Jesus.

In Him,

Sam Wong