
感謝神, 教會在上主日1月16日主日崇拜後的特別大會,通過了聘請詹志誠先生為廣東話部全職教牧同工的動議,並於2022年二月份開始履新。志誠、Mandy和兩個女兒一家在我們中間已經有八個月了,參與了教會的不同的實體和網上聚會, 跟肢體們彼此相交認識。我們祈求神繼續帶領我們, 一同領受神給華人教會的異象和使命,在卡迪夫建立屬靈的家,並傳福音給南威爾斯一帶的華人。

70年代,有從香港和星馬來卡迪夫升學的基督徒學生,  開始了學生查經班並成立了卡迪夫基督徒團契。他們除積極向華人同學傳揚福音,也關心本地華人的靈魂得救,開設了中文學校,關注土生長大的華裔群體。80年代初, 團契也迎來了一些越南華僑,同時開展華人餐館外賣店的福音事工。90年代末, 有很多的中國內地學者、學生和勞工來了英國,教會的普通話福音工作也逐漸地建立起來。最近從香港來了很多主內的肢體和新朋友,我們熱切地歡迎他們, 求天父讓他們能在卡迪夫經歷神和祂的愛。

我們感謝神, 在不同的階段,呼召華人信徒聚在一起,同心合意、興旺福音,為主耶穌作見證!求神賜我們有諸般的智慧,在基督裏將人完完全全的引到神面前。


王 興

21st January, 2022

Dear brothers and sisters,

Praise the Lord. In the EGM last Sunday, the church has passed the proposal to invite Mr. Jonathan Chim to be our full-time Pastoral worker of the Cantonese group, starting February 2022. Jonathan, Mandy and their two daughters have been with us for eight months, participating in different physical and online church meetings and having fellowship with brothers and sisters. We pray that the Lord will continue to lead us to build a spiritual home in Cardiff, and share the gospel with the Chinese in South Wales with God’s vision and mission,.

In the 1970s, some Christian students from Hong Kong and Singapore, Malaysia came to study in Cardiff. They started Bible study groups and the Cardiff Christian Fellowship. They not only share the gospel diligently with the students, they also cared for the local Chinese Community and started the Chinese Class. In the early 1980s, they had brought some Vietnamese Chinese to the Fellowship, and they also started a ministry among the catering workers. In the late 1990s, many Mainland Chinese scholars, students and laborers came to the UK, and the church’s Putonghua ministry was gradually established. Now we warmly welcome many Christians and friends who came from Hong Kong recently. Pray that they can experience God and His love in Cardiff.

We thank God that, at different stages, He called Chinese believers to gather together to proclaim the gospel, to be witnesses to the Lord Jesus! May God grant us with all wisdom to present people fully mature in Christ.

With the volatile situation of the pandemic, let us all abide in the Lord, enjoy every day with faith, hope, and love. Enjoy the Lord!

In Him,

Sam Wong