

英國疫情告急, 從下星期日(3月22日)開始,教會的主日崇拜會用三種語言進行網上直播。廣東話的崇拜除了台上的事奉人員,影音小組和部份堂委來到教會協助製作,請弟兄姊妹各自留在家中參加網上崇拜。我們雖然身處不同地方,卻在同一時段<10:45am-12noon> 同心合意地敬拜神,以心靈和誠實敬拜我們的主。

1/. 10:30am請穿著整齊,安靜等候敬拜主。不能穿着睡衣,橫臥沙發觀看崇拜。10:40am前,我們會在群組中發出YouTube連接,請按入便可一同參加崇拜。

2/. 崇拜中的詩歌環節,請一同口唱心和地頌讚主。祈禱時,一起閉上眼睛禱告,並同聲阿門。

3/. 準備好了奉獻的金錢,在每個主日崇拜時儲存起來,讓我們期盼着「教會重聚」的那一天,把捐款帶往教會奉獻。

4. 講道是崇拜的一部份,不是聽了一場道就等於敬拜主了,在家中聽道較易分心,我們必須加倍專心。

5. 結束時的祈禱祝福,讓我們以謙卑的態度站立在主的面前,領受神的恩惠與福份。

6. 我們不是星期日的基督徒。主日崇拜的敬拜能源和生命力應該延伸到七天的每一天。我們減少了會面,但不減少肢體相交,社區關顧和傳揚福音,求主賜我們信心智慧,在這疫情嚴峻的時刻,作主耶穌基督的見證人。

7. 主耶穌是葡萄樹,我們是枝子。我們必須時刻住在主裏面,每天親近主,前面艱難的日子,更要彼此守望扶持,敬虔度日。

願神的話語成為我們的力量:「在指望中要喜樂,在患難中要忍耐,禱告要恆切。」羅12:12 互勉。


王 興 2020年3月19日

*這個主日,Swansea, Newport和Portsmouth的弟兄姊妹也會和我們一起網上敬拜,主內一家。願榮耀歸與神!

19th March 2020  

Dear brothers and sisters,

‘God is spirit, and his worshippers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.’  John 4:24

The outbreak in the UK is overwhelming. Starting next Sunday (March 22), the church Sunday Service will be broadcasted live in three languages.  Apart from those  on the stage, the audio-visual team and some Council members assisting the production, brothers and sisters of Canto, please stay at home and join the Service online. Although we are in different places, we worship the Lord with one heart at the same time in the Spirit and in truth.

1. 10.30am, please dress up and wait quietly upon the Lord. Do not wear pajamas and lie on the couch to watch the worship. Before 10:40 am, we will send a YouTube link in the group, please click to join the worship together.

2. Please sing with your heart and praise the Lord together. When praying, close your eyes and say Amen together.

3. Prepare and put aside your money offering for each Sunday Service. We look forward to the day when we can unite in the church, and we can bring and offer it in the church.

4. Preaching is part of the worship. But listening to a sermon is not equivalent to worshipping the Lord. We can be easily distracted by listening to the sermon at home, so we must be more focused.

5. Let us stand before the Lord with humility and receive the grace and blessings of God when benediction at the end of the Service.

6. We are not Sunday Christians. The vitality of the Sunday worship should extend to each of the seven days. We have cut our meetings, but we won’t cut our care for each other and the community , and we should continue to share the gospel. May the Lord grant us faith and wisdom, and to be witnesses of the Lord Jesus Christ during this severe epidemic.

7. Lord Jesus is the vine, and we are the branches. We must live in the Lord always and stay close to Him every day. We have to support and pray for each other, and lead a godly life in this difficult time.

May the Word of the Lord be our strength:

‘Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.’ 

Romans 12:12

In Him,

Sam Wong

* Brothers and sisters from Swansea, Newport and Portsmouth will also worship online with us this Sunday.   re one family in Christ. To God be the glory.