有很多年,在教會的三語聯合崇拜中,普通話部的小朋友如潮水從四面八方經過禮堂前台,湧進副堂參加兒童崇拜,那是何等壯觀的場面! 今年的廣東話崇拜,我們再次看到這樣的景象,大大小小的孩子們仍是雀躍地步過前台,參加他們的兒童崇拜。每一個小孩子的成長,都是在父神的臉光看顧之下,我們為他們的生命感恩。
主日崇拜Sunday Service,表明敬拜就是服事。服事神就是奉獻時間、身體、心靈和金錢。在疫情前,我們習慣用奉獻袋收集獻金,小孩子都很開心踴躍地參加。疫情開始後,我們以奉獻箱收集獻金,父母可以教導兒女怎樣運用零用錢奉獻,在每個主日崇拜前把獻金放入奉獻箱,然後才踏進禮堂參加聚會。
王 興
2021年9 月10日
10th September 2021
Dear brothers and sisters,
There is children song, saying: “Children are the happiest people in the world, and children are lovely.” I think this is a good description of parents taking their children to attend church Sunday worship.
For many years, in the 3-languages joint Service, the PTH children came to the front from all directions and entered the Side Hall for their Children Service. That was spectacular! This year, in the Cantonese Service, we can see such a scene again. Children of all ages walk past the stage and go to their Children Service. Every child grows up under the care of God the Father, and we are grateful for their lives.
Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them.’ Who hinder them? The background referred to the disciples of Jesus. They blamed the parents who brought their children to Jesus. Who hinder the children today? It might be their parents. Attending the Sunday Service and getting close to God is the birthright of every child. Jesus said, ‘for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.’ (Matt 19:14)
In the Old Testament, God taught the Israelites to love God with all their heart and soul and strength, and to teach their children to witness God’s grace at home and on the street. The duty of parents is to start their children off on the way they should go. If there are Christian parents who let their children join other activities and give up attending the Service, they have done a big harm to the children.
Sunday Service: worship is service. Serving God means offering your time, body, heart and money. Before the pandemic, we used to pass offering bags for the collection, and the children happily participated. Since the pandemic, we use the offering box instead. Parents can teach their children how to spend their pocket money for offering. You can teach your children to put the money into the offering box before entering the hall for Worship.
Christian Children who offer zealously will certainly not neglect their parents. In the Lord, both children and adults are the happiest people!
Wishing you happiness!
In Him,
Sam Wong