在浸禮崇拜上,我們一同歡欣地讚美主,為羊圈中的新羊感謝神。「死啊!你得勝的權勢在哪裏?死啊!你的毒鈎在哪裏?感謝神,使我們藉著我們的主耶穌基督得勝了。」(林前15:55,57) 緬懷過去的人生片段,我們也為神賜我們的奇異恩典而謝主隆恩。
王 興
18th September,2021
Dear brothers and sisters ,
“The Most Beautiful Blessing in Life” is a favourite song of our church. In the baptismal service, when brothers and sisters publicly testify their faith in front of God and man through baptism, the moment they came up from the water, the congregation will sing together, “The most beautiful blessing in life is to know the Lord Jesus; the most beautiful blessing in life is to trust in the Lord Jesus.”
In the baptismal service, we joyfully praise the Lord and thank God for the new sheep. ‘Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting? thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Cor 15:55,57) Whenever we think about all our experiences, we thank the Lord for His wonderful grace.
Participants of the baptismal class must be born-again Christians who attend Sunday Service every week and join a Bible Study group. They should have their daily quiet time to read the Bible and pray, and, they have to be adults, and have been attending our church for over six months. In the baptismal class, we study the Bible together to be certain on “What I believe” and “Why I believe”.
Each baptismal class has its own characteristics due to the different participants. Some are mature, some are young, experiencing ups and downs in life. Although everyone is different, they have all been slaves of sin. Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift. We have been saved in Jesus, and we all decide to trust and follow Christ throughout our lives, and we are all born again and saved.
The baptized believers can fill in the membership application form and become a member of the “Cardiff Chinese Christian Church”. According to the gifts we receive, we serve each other, witness Jesus, and devote ourselves to the mission of the church.
We do not invite other church members to join our church, but if there are members from other churches who settle in Cardiff or nearby areas, and accept the constitution of the Cardiff Chinese Christian Church, and if they are willing to share our vision and mission: Build a spiritual home and spread the gospel to the Chinese in Cardiff and South Wales; we are happy to make arrangements for this and welcome you.
The Lord Jesus says, ‘Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.’ (Matt 28:19-20)
In Him,
Sam Wong