星期日 Sunday
上課時間 School Hours
1:30pm: 中文班 Chinese Class
2:30pm: 聖經班 / 青少年小組 Bible Class / Youth Group
3:30pm : 放學 Finish School
聯絡我們 Contact us
Alan Ng: 07935 727 181
陳葉麗真老師 (Mrs Chan) 07894 985 698
地址 Address: 65 Llandaff Road, Cardiff, CF11 9NG
校長 Headteacher: 吳宏達醫生 Dr Alan Ng
學校通告 Notice:
參考信息 Reference
2023-2024 行事曆 School Diary of Events
遇到惡劣天氣情況下的安排 Procedures in case of severe weather conditions
隱私及電子通信條例 (歐盟通用數據保護條例) EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
學校簡介 School Overview
本教會於1978年開始成立中文學校,服事卡迪夫和周邊地區的華人社區。在這四十多年中,在規模和照顧工作上都見增長。我們的學生年齡介乎5-18歲。 2011年開始,我們增加了普通話中文班,亦開設了家長園地,舉辦不同的講座和活動,讓家長們可以分享心得,建立友誼。
中文學校的上課時間為十月至六月的星期日下午1時30分至3時30分。我們在頭一個小時教授中文,2時30分有15分鐘的週會,接著是學習聖經的時間。我們的中文班按語文程度分成不同班級, 從基礎班至高等程度A Level。聖經班的對像是12歲以下的學生,而12歲以上的學生,可以參加青少年團契。我們明白大部分的家長都希望子女們能學好中文,所以我們的老師都盡心盡力的教導學生, 我們過往的考生,都在GCSE 和A-Level的中文科考試中獲得優異的成績。我們亦珍惜教授聖經真理的機會,祈盼將來這些莘莘學子能夠認識主耶穌基督,以祂作為他們生命的主和救主。
‘The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.’ Proverbs 9:10
Our church started our Chinese school in 1978 to serve the Chinese community in and around Cardiff. After forty or so years, it has grown both in size and scope of ministry. We have pupils aged between 5 and 18. In 2011, we added Putonghua class and the Parents Corner. At the Parents Corner we arrange different talks and activities, giving parents a chance to share their experience and build meaningful friendship.
The Chinese school is held on Sunday, 1:30-3:30 pm; the academic year is from October to June. We teach Chinese in the first hour, followed by a school assembly for 15 minutes at 2:30 pm. We have Bible teaching after the assembly. We have different levels for our Chinese classes, from foundation to A Level. Bible classes are catered for those who are up to 12 years of age. Above 12, the young people will join the Teens Group. We understand that parents would wish their children to learn Chinese, so our teachers will do their utmost to teach. The majority of our students who take the GCSE or A Level Chinese exams obtained good results. We also value the opportunity to teach the truth from the Bible, hoping the children can one day know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour.